
Two Poems


Translated from the Arabic by Hassan Abdulrazzak



The Wolf


I'll give up my night

For the wolf that I have left behind

He’s toing and froing 

In forgotten valleys

I'll give him another chance

To abandon his old game.


I said to the wolf: I will tell you a story

Of an Andalusian gypsy, consumed by the confusion of the city

You will be healed

As you discover that you are not the only one

Who celebrates his dead dreams!

This is not a secret confession

As everyone will give up one day

their little delights.


The adventure of concealed life

Is the only certainty.

Neither the known

Or the unknown

are enough to tame

The wolf that haunts you

Like an unforgivable sin!




This world

is a living legend.

It cannot be contained in a single path

A single existence

A single nothingness

A single truth

or even a single imagination. 


The father's ghost has disappeared completely

from the life’s stage.

But the theatre is still crowded

With "to be or not to be"

Which is no longer a "question"

In these enigmatic times!