Farid Ghadami
Farid Ghadami (1985) is an Iranian writer, critic, university lecturer, and literary translator from English into Persian. He is best known in Iran for his humorous and critical novels with a radical counter-culture outlook, as well as his translations of the world's controversial literature. He is the first translator of the books
"Ulysses" by James Joyce, "Naked Lunch" by William Burroughs, "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg, and "The Dharma Bums" and "Big Sur" by Jack Kerouac into Persian.
He was chosen as one of the best three Iranian literary translators in the last five years by popular vote, held by The Iranian Translators Association in 2018. So far, he has written five novels and three literary criticisms and has over 35 translations of, amongst others, Walt Whitman, D.H. Lawrence, Anais Nin, Arthur Rimbaud, Mahmoud Darwish, William Butler Yeats, Ossip Mandelshtam, Nikola Yankov Vaptsarov, and James Joyce. He is also a scientific figure whose books, including Advance Mathematics, are taught in some prestigious universities of Iran.