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    Irina Papancheva

    Irina Papancheva is a Bulgarian fiction writer. She was born in Burgas. She specialized literature in “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” high school, then she earned a master’s degree in Czech language and literature at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and a master’s degree in European politics and social integration at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium. She is the author of the illustrated book for children “I Stutter” (Ciela, 2005), the novels “Almost Intimately” (Kronos, 2007), “Annabel” (Janet 45, 2010), “Pelican Feather” (Janet 45, 2013) and “She, the island” (Trud, 2017), the novella “Welcome Nathan!” (Fast Print Books, 2019) and short stories. “Almost Intimately” got the audience nomination in the 2008 Bulgarian national literary competition South Spring (Yuzhna prolet), and her novel “Annabel” was shortlisted in the 2014 January Contemporary Bulgarian Novel Contest of the Elizabeth Kostova Foundation and Open Letter Books at the University of Rochester. She writes in Bulgarian and English. Her works have been translated into English, French, Arabic and Persian. Website: ipapancheva.com

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    Julia Cimafiejeva

    Julia Cimafiejeva (Юля Цімафеева) is a Belarusian poet, translator, and one of the founders and editors of a Belarusian literary magazine PrajdziSvet. She is the author of three poetry collections: The Book of Mistakes (2014), Circus (2016) and ROT (2020). Her poems have been translated into English, Ukrainian, Swedish, Slovenian, Lithuanian, Czech and other languages. Her Polish book “Cyrk i inne wiersze” translated by Bohdan Zadura was published in Lublin in 2018 and her German book “Zirkus” (translated by Thomas Weiler and Tina Wünschmann) was published in Berlin in 2019. She participated in literary festivals in Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland and Belarus.

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    Pedro Freitas Rocha

    Born in Aracajú, Brazil, in 1985, Pedro lives in Juiz de Fora since his childhood. He is a last year PhD candidate on Literary and Cultural Studies at Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Working in the field of comparative literature his studies involve Brazilian, Portuguese and Iraqi authors, focused on understanding through literary texts how the characters and subjects interact with their environment, and how the literary works develop the ideals of belonging of these subjects to their social context. Most of his works are deeply rooted in history intertwined with fictional plots, and consider the expression through artistic means a valuable asset for individuals to position themselves in society.

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    Luis AUGUSTO QUIMPER (1967) Piura, Peru. He studied secondary school at San Ignacio de Loyola College and obtained a Diploma in Business Administration at the University of Piura. Then he ended up in Belgium to obtain a Masters in Finance at KUL. He now lives in Brussels where he works in finance. Always passionate about writing, he attended the writing workshops of Peruvian writers Alonso Cueto and Iván Thays. Then he collaborated in Peruvian literary reviews (Magenta and Pluma libre) before publishing two books: • Rutina, Edition Pluma libre, 2010. A collection of short stories which common thread is routine, that pushes the protagonists to hopeless acts.

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    Dimil Stoilov

    Dimil Stoilov, born in 1948 in Plovdiv, has worked as a journalist for several newspapers and for two of the largest publishing houses in Bulgaria, ‘Hristo G. Danov’ and ‘Hermes’. His works of fiction have been published in the Bulgarian magazines: ‘Flame’, ‘Libra’, ‘Thracia’, ‘South’, ‘Page’, ‘Antimov Khan’, as well as in some foreign periodicals - ‘Bridge’ (magazine of the Bulgarian diaspora in Serbia), ‘Vocatif’ – Nice, France and ‘Sacred Grove’ Almanac. His short stories have been published on various Bulgarian web sites ‘Liberal Review’, ‘Literary World’, ‘Torch’, ‘Books NEWS’, ‘Cult.bg’, ‘LiterNet’, ‘Public Republic’, including the German web site ‘The-Short-Story’. He is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists. A complete chronological list of his books and publishers: ‘Missed trains schedule’, short stories (Hristo G. Danov, 1986), ‘Infidelity version", novel (Hristo G. Danov, 1990), ’Outrageously charming, voraciously pretty’, short stories (Hermes, 1998), ’Palatable Man’, short stories (Hermes, 2005), ’The long-distance runner of love tracks’, novel (Hermes, 2010), ’The Innocent women of Brussels’, novel (Hermes, 2016), ’The Children of Don Quixote’, short stories (Lexicon,2018).

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    Karim Ben Abdallah

    Karim Ben Abdallah born 1991. He went to Law School then worked in a lawyer’s office for four years. First published by UCL College ( Belgium) in 2012 for a short story that has been awarded by the university. Three of his novels were published since then by a French publisher exploring themes such as spirituality, modern societies, and love.

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    Velina Minkoff

    Velina Minkoff est neé à Sofia, Bulgarie en 1974. Elle est diplomée en littérature et écriture créative de UCLA, Californie et également de l’Ecole de Traduction Littéraire du CNL à Paris. Elle a publié en anglais le recueil de nouvelles Red Shorts (Colibri, 2001) puis le roman Le Grand Leader doit venir nous voir (Actes sud, 2018), version française de son texte bulgare Rapport de l’amibe verte sur le crayon chimique (Colibri, 2015). Buisson brésilien (Colibri, 2018) en bulgare revient aux formes courtes et est nominé pour les prix Portal Kultura et Yordan Radichkov. Les Shorts rouges est son premier recueil de nouvelles en français (Hémisphères, 2020).

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    Teodora Lalova

    Teodora Lalova is Bulgarian and currently lives in Belgium where she is doing a PhD at the KU Leuven. Teodora writes poetry in Bulgarian and English, and is a laureate of several national poetry competitions. Her poetry is featured in „The Zone: an Anthology for Contemporary Bulgarian Poetry“, vol. 1 (2017, ARS-Blagoevgrad), „The Circle 19: a Brussels Anthology“ (2019, IDLE TIME PRESS, LLC), Porridge magazine, Re-side, Crosspoint, Literaturen vestnik, Kadar 25, and others.

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    Mounira Abi Zeid

    Née à Zgharta, Liban-Nord, en Juillet 1979, Mounira est Docteur en lettres françaises. Elle enseigne à l’Université Libanaise depuis 2011. Spécialisée en mythocritique, sa thèse s’intitule L’Esthétique de l’Absolu dans l’œuvre en prose de Théophile Gautier, alors que son mémoire porte le titre La Sacralisation du Mal dans Les Diaboliques de Barbey D’Aurevilly.

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    Annelies Verbeke

    Annelies Verbeke is a Belgian author who writes in Dutch. She studied language and literature at Gent University before attending a scriptwriting course in Brussels. In 2003, she gained instant fame with her first novel (Sleep!) when 75,000 copies of the Dutch edition were sold. The story has since been published in 22 countries. The award-winning work was highlighted for the way in which it showed how people with various backgrounds were all looking for fulfillment. Un international success has been coming from her novel (Saving Fish, 2009) which is translated into several languages including German and Danish.

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    Marguerite Richards

    Marguerite Richards is an American writer and editor with a background in literature, translation, and magazine publishing. Focusing on world cultures, she travels to understand the nuances that separate us, with the resolve to further our understanding of each other through her work. Based in Sri Lanka, she is currently editing two memoirs by Iranian and Kuwaiti authors, and writing short fiction vignettes for an artist book about birth traditions around the globe. Read more about her at margueriterichards.com

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    Prince of rogues

    He is gothic poet, monster, gnome, demon, alchemist, adventurer, brigand, vagabond, sabbaths man, gibbet, whimsical, ironic., strange , fantastic. and he is full of magic and esotericism.

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    Ana Maria Sandu

    Ana Maria Sandu est licenciée ès lettres. Elle vit à Bucarest. Elle a publié Des souvenirs d’un Chelbasan (éditions Art), les romans La Fille de la maison sans fin, Tue-moi!! et Cours, le volume de prose courte Les murs fragiles et le volume d'essais Ma mère me dit que j'ai une belle vie (éditions Polirom). Son premier livre traduit par Fanny Chartres a été publié aux éditions Chemin de Fer. Il s’intitule L’écorchure (illustrations de Marine Joatton). Ses textes ont été mis en scène. Elle est aussi journaliste à Dilema veche.

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    Vanni Bianconi

    Né à Locarno en 1977, Vanni Bianconi est auteur de poèmes et traducteur, notamment de Denton Welch, de W.H. Auden et de Somerset Maugham. Résidant à Londres, il est également le directeur artistique du festival de littérature et de traduction «Babel».

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    Sylvie Godefroid

    Après des études de communication à Bruxelles, Sylvie Godefroid s’investit dans le paysage culturel belge. Engagée à la SABAM (Société belge des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs) comme assistante de rédaction, elle évolue vers la création d’événements et le soutien à la littérature. Elle est chargée du soutien aux auteurs et entretient des relations privilégiées avec les auteurs des secteurs de la littérature, des arts de la scène et des arts visuels. Sylvie siège à la commission des Lettres (Wallonie-Bruxelles) depuis 2012. Son premier roman, "L’Anagramme des sens" (2013) a été adapté au théâtre en 2015. Sylvie Godefroid y assurait le premier rôle féminin avec Cathy Thomas.

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    Farah Alrajeh

    Farah Alrajeh is an academic, writer, and Doctorate researcher at Sussex University, United Kingdom.. Her research area focuses on the contemporary literature of Iraq in the contexts of war, violence, historical and political upheavals that affected Iraq and the Middle East, particularly in post-2003 US war on Iraq. She is also interested in contemporary English, American, and Black American fiction. She has a postgraduate degree in English literature/American Black novel from the University of Baghdad; a postgraduate degree in literary and critical theories from Kingston University; and is currently doing her PhD on Iraqi contemporary literature in Sussex University. She worked as a lecturer, translator, and a researcher at the University of Baghdad, School of English before moving to the UK to start her Doctoral research. She is a contributing writer, in Arabic and English, in peer-reviewed literary journals such as Textual Practice, Excursions, and other academic journals. During her research period at Sussex, she has given lectures, talks, and presentations in conferences, literary events, and symposiums about the current state of affairs in Iraq and its influence on literature. AlRajeh is also an artist and painter.

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    Samantha Barendson

    Née en 1976 en Espagne, de père italien et de mère argentine, Samantha Barendson vit aujourd'hui à Lyon et travaille à l'École normale supérieure. Poète et romancière, elle aime surtout travailler avec d’autres artistes, poètes, peintres, musiciens, illustrateurs ou photographes. Elle aime ensuite dire ses textes sur scène, un peu frustrée de n’être pas une chanteuse de tango. Elle fait partie du collectif Le syndicat des poètes qui vont mourir un jour dont le principal objectif est de promouvoir la poésie pour tous et partout. Elle fait également partie du collectif Le cercle de la maison close qui propose des performances alliant poésie, musique et arts plastiques. Ses principaux ouvrage sont : Alto mare (La passe du vent), Mon citronnier (Lattès), Machine arrière (La passe du vent), Le citronnier (Le pédalo ivre) prix de poésie René Leynaud 2015, Des coquelicots/Amapolas (Pré # carré), Les délits du corps/Los delitos del cuerpo (Ch. Chomant).

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    Mira Feticu

    Mira Feticu (Romania, 1973) made her debut in 1993 as a poet, but has devoted herself to prose since then. In her home country she studied Romanian and French literature, worked as a programme maker for the national radio and did literary research at the Romanian Academy of Sciences. Her first short story collection received several nominations. After moving to the Netherlands she got a PhD in literary studies and in 2012 she published her first short story collection in Dutch, “Sweet Child of Mine” (Lief kind van mij), followed by the novels “Kortjakje’s disease” (De ziekte van Kortjakje), “Tascha. The Kunsthal Robbery” (Tascha. De roof uit de Kunsthal) and “All My Fathers” (Al mijn vaders, 2019). This most recent novel, in which Feticu roundly declares her love of literature, was awarded four stars by the Belgian magazine Knack Focus.

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    M. E. Grey

    "M. E. Grey is a British-origin poet at home in Brussels. Pages of an Autumn Journal, a sequence of poems engaging with public and private events during the turbulent months of late 2016, can be read at www.autumnjournal.eu. Tweets come from @megreywrites; more information can be found at www.megrey.eu.

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    Christos Chartomatsidis

    Né à Kazanluk en Bulgarie en 1954 de parents immigrés politiques grecs, il grandit à Sofia où il est diplômé de l’Académie médicale bulgare. Il s'installe en Grèce en 1980. Il est membre de la société des écrivains grecs et de l'union des écrivains-médecins en Bulgarie. Il est l’auteur de cinq romans, deux recueils de poèmes, trois recueils de nouvelles et quatre pièces publiés en Grèce dans ses propres traductions du bulgare. Ses publications bulgares sont La nuit des embryons – poèmes (Orfeii, 2004), le roman Guitariste dans une taverne (Balkani, 2007) et L'enfant sacré – nouvelles (Janet, 2015). Deux de ses pièces ont été jouées en Bulgarie : Les cauchemars de Sanson le bourreau (Silistra, 2008) et Lilia (Varna, 2016). Il a reçu plusieurs prix en Bulgarie, dont celui du Concours national des nouvelles d’étudiants (Shumen, Bulgarie, 1978), du Concours de nouvelles Tsvetan Zangov (Sliven, Bulgarie, 1980) et le prix de la fondation «Elizabeth Kostova» pour sa pièce Lilia qui a été traduite et jouée en anglais,

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    Thierry Renard

    Né en 1963 à Lyon, d’une mère d’origine piémontaise et d’un père ouvrier lyonnais, il se tourne d’abord vers le théâtre, avant d’animer le magazine poétique Aube et de diriger les éditions Paroles d’aube jusqu’au printemps 1998. Il a été le responsable littéraire de La Passe du vent et il est l’actuel directeur de l’Espace Pandora, à Vénissieux. Cette intense activité́ culturelle ne l’empêche de mener à bien une œuvre personnelle qui compte de nombreux ouvrages, récemment rassemblés dans les Œuvres poétiques que publient les Éditions La rumeur libre (deux tomes parus). Officier des Arts et des Lettres.

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    Gaetan Faucer

    Né à Bruxelles, en 1975. Dramaturge, poète, aphoriste et nouvelliste. C'est surtout le théâtre qui l'inspire sous toutes ses formes. Plusieurs de ses pièces ont été jouées dans divers lieux théâtraux. Après une bonne formation de comédien, c'est l'écriture qui prendra définitivement le dessus. Gaëtan est également auteur de sketchs, de chansons et de scénarios.

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    Laetitia Extrémet

    Laetitia Extrémet est professeur d’histoire-géographie dans un lycée de Marseille (France) après avoir été journaliste en presse écrite. Elle a publié dans des revues de poésie telles que Poésie/première, Lichen, Ressacs, Le Coquelicot, Recours au poème. Son premier recueil « Aquapoèmes » a été édité en juin 2020 aux Éditions Le chat polaire

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    Grégory Parreira

    Poète et déclameur de poésie né en 1978 à Bron il publie son premier recueil (La boutique d'Albert) avant d'orienter son écriture vers une forme dite classique. Naturellement poussé vers la scène il compose trois seul en scène qui seront joués dans plusieurs théâtres et librairies entre Lyon et Bruxelles. L'évidence d’un passage obligé du poème par la corde vocale le mène à fréquenter assidûment le monde du slam. Il devient champion de France par équipe de cette discipline au Grand slam National en juin 2019. En 2020, Il participe au montage de la pièce « Petit Caillou » de Lili Zaza au sein de la compagnie Peau-Ethique et compose L’Ours avenue Kleber (réécriture et actualisation au XXIème siècle de la farce de Tchekhov l’Ours).

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    Barbara Bigot-Frieden

    Née en 1994 à Fontenay-aux-Roses, Barbara Bigot-Frieden est professeur de français indépendant. En Février 2020, elle publie un recueil de poésie Silence Saudade aux éditions Le chat polaire. Ses textes paraissent régulièrement dans les revues et les ouvrages collectifs. Elle travaille actuellement sur un projet de recueil chanté illustré par des clips vidéos en noir et blanc.

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    David Stromberg

    David Stromberg is a writer, translator, and literary scholar based in Jerusalem. He is author of four collections of single-panel cartoons, including BADDIES (Melville House, 2009), and two critical studies, Narrative Faith: Dostoevsky, Camus, and Singer (U Del Press, 2018) and IDIOT LOVE and the Elements of Intimacy (Palgrave, 2020). He has published fiction in Ambit, Atticus Review, and Chicago Literati, scholarly articles in Comparative Literature Studies, Journal of Narrative Theory, and The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, and translations in The New Yorker, Los Angeles Review of Books, and Lapham’s Quarterly. He is editor of In the Land of Happy Tears: Yiddish Tales for Modern Times (Delacorte, 2018), a collection of stories for children, and recently published a series of personal essays in Public Seminar about growing up on the ethnic and cultural margins of Los Angeles.

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    Ghareeb Iskander

    Ghareeb Iskander is an Iraqi-British poet living in London. He published serval books including A Chariot of Illusion (Exiled Writers Ink, London 2009); Gilgamesh’s Snake and Other Poems, a bilingual collection, which won Arkansas University’s Arabic Translation Award for 2015 (Syracuse University Press, New York 2016); English Poetry and Modern Arabic Verse: Translation and Modernity (I. B. Tauris, London 2021). He was the featured writer of Scottish Pen in 2014. Ghareeb received his PhD from SOAS, University of London in comparative literature with an emphasis on literary translation.

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    Farid Ghadami

    Farid Ghadami (1985) is an Iranian writer, critic, university lecturer, and literary translator from English into Persian. He is best known in Iran for his humorous and critical novels with a radical counter-culture outlook, as well as his translations of the world's controversial literature. He is the first translator of the books "Ulysses" by James Joyce, "Naked Lunch" by William Burroughs, "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg, and "The Dharma Bums" and "Big Sur" by Jack Kerouac into Persian. He was chosen as one of the best three Iranian literary translators in the last five years by popular vote, held by The Iranian Translators Association in 2018. So far, he has written five novels and three literary criticisms and has over 35 translations of, amongst others, Walt Whitman, D.H. Lawrence, Anais Nin, Arthur Rimbaud, Mahmoud Darwish, William Butler Yeats, Ossip Mandelshtam, Nikola Yankov Vaptsarov, and James Joyce. He is also a scientific figure whose books, including Advance Mathematics, are taught in some prestigious universities of Iran.

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    Lenka Kuhar Daňhelová

    Lenka Kuhar Daňhelová (b. 1973, Krnov) is a poet, prose writer, artist, translator, and organiser of cultural events and projects. To date she has published four collections of poetry and one novel; including her translations she has published twenty-two books. She has worked as an interpreter and translator from Polish, Italian, and French. Since 2004 she has been collaborating with the literary magazine Pobocza; from 2005–2010 she was its Czech editor. In addition to editing the magazine she also translated Polish, Slovenian, French, Italian, and Slovak poetry into Czech. She was the culture editor for the magazine Navýchod. She has had residencies in Poland and Slovenia, and taken part in many international literary festivals and meetings in various countries.

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    Snezana Stojcevska

    Snezana Stojcevska was born in Skopje in 1980. She graduated on the Institute for Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. In 2012 the publishing house ILI-ILI published her first poetry book “Sugar on the floor”, as part of the Rusalkiedition where she has been an editor as well. In 2013 her second poetry book, “Below Zero” won the award “BeliMugri” awarded by the PI House of culture “KochoRacin”. In 2015, the “Templum” publishing published her third poetry book “Blue Fantasies”. With the financial support from the Ministry of Culture of Macedonia she has published two poetry books “It Should Be Easy” (publishing house “Antolog”,2017) and “I cover myself with poems“ (publishing house “MI-AN”,2019).

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    Ivan de Monbrison

    Ivan de Monbrison (1969-?) origines juives Russe, Tcherkesses et Egyptiennes, comme son nom ne l'indique pas. Peintre et poète comme beaucoup sur cette Terre. Dernières publications Irradié aux éditions du Chat Polaire La Cicatrice Nue aux éditions Traversées Le Vide Intime aux éditions Hexen. Fondateur des éditions Minces et de la revue Pojar basés à Paris.

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    Katja Gorečan

    Katja Gorečan was born in 1989 in Celje, Slovenia. She received a Bachelor degree in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University in Ljubljana and finished Master studies in Dramaturgy at the Academy for Theatre, Direction, Film and Television, also in Ljubljana. She took part in a creative writing course, specializing in dramatics. This resulted in the realisation of her one-act drama Seven girl's questions. In 2012 her second poetry collection The Sorrows of Young Hana, which was nominated for Jenko Award, the highest poetry award in Slovenia and was selected into the Biennale of Young Artists from Mediterranean Europe. In 2017, her choreopoem One Night Some Girls Somewhere Are Dying was published by House of Poetry Poetikon. She is not only artisticly, but socially engaged. She worked with demented patients in a nursing home, led creative workshops with female refugees and their children and also worked with mentally handicapped youth.

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    Aleš Jelenko

    Aleš Jelenko (1986) from Slovenske Konjice (Slovenia) is a two-time finalist of the Festival of youth literature Urška in Slovenia (JSKD), finalist of the Poetry tournament (Publishing house Pivec), winner of the Mentorjev feferon award for the best protest poem of the year (JSKD), winner of the international poetry competition Ritratti di poesia in Rome, Italy (Fondazione Terzo Pilastro) and the winner of the Prešernova award in his home town for extraordinary achievements in literature (Library Slovenske Konjice). He is the author of some important books of poetry - Container (Volosov hram, 2016), Primal speech (Kulturni center Maribor, 2017) and (Non)existance (Volosov hram and JSKD, 2018) and also the author of a book with short prose Stories from the underground (Volosov hram, 2020).

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    Emilie Lauren Jones

    Emilie Lauren Jones has performed at a variety of events and venues across the UK and Ireland. Previously published in ‘Under the Radar Magazine’, ‘HCE Magazine’ and ‘Riggwelter’. Widely published in anthologies, including: ‘Half Moon Books’, ‘Beautiful Dragons Collaborations’ and ‘One World Publications’. Commissioned poet for UK City of Culture 2021. She runs regular writing workshops for adults (with Positive Images Festival) and children (with Writing West Midlands). Emilie holds an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Birmingham. She runs the #WeSpeakPoetry YouTube series and is part of the 2020 Nine Arches Press 'Dynamo' scheme. www.emilielaurenjones.co.uk Social Media: @emilielaurenxxx

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    János Áfra

    János Áfra was born in Hajdúböszörmény (Eastern Hungary) in 1987. He is a poet, art critic and editor of Alföld literary magazine. He studied literature and philosophy at the University of Debrecen, where he is an instructor at present. He has published three books of poetry: Glaukóma (Glaucoma) in 2012; Két akarat (Two Wills) in 2015; Rítus (Ritual) in 2017. He has got a bilingual artist’s book with Zsuzsanna Szegedi-Varga, which title is Termékeny félreértés / Productive Misreadings (2020). Áfra was awarded two Hungarian debut prizes: Makói Medáliák (Mako's Medal, 2013), Gérecz Attila-díj (Attila Gérecz Prize, 2014), and got other prizes and scholarships: Móricz Zsigmond Irodalmi Ösztöndíj (Zsigmond Móricz Literary Scholarship, 2013), Sziveri János-díj (János Sziveri Prize, 2014), Horváth Péter Irodalmi Ösztöndíj (Péter Horváth Literary Scholarship, 2016) etc.

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    Ida Börjel

    Ida Börjel, poet and translator. Currently lives in Malmö, Sweden. In her award winning books of poetry, including Sond (Probe), Skåneradio (Radio Scania), Konsumentköplagen: juris lyrik (The Consumers Purchase Act: juridical lyricisms), and the abcdarian requiem MA, she enquires into and tries to enact our contemporary, linguistic and societal conditions in relation to different forms of authority, sovereignty and juridical systems. For the latest edition of her Miximum Ca Canny The Sabotage Manuals you cutta da pay we cutta da shob, she invited 21 colleagues worldwide to sabotage the manuscript. Her latest book with radio plays, Arvodet Marginalintäkten (The Fee The Marginal Income), encircles the language of Economics, and how that dominating language of argumentation in our time affects social distance, and the distance between our hearts.

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    Zohra Belghiti

    Zohra Belghiti is a second generation North-African woman of maghrebian parents who migrated in Europe in the early 1960s. Born in 1964 in Azrou, the Middle-Atlas Mountains of Morocco, Zohra grew up and was educated in the multicultural diversity of Brussels, went to ULB, the free University of Brussels in Belgium. She moved to the United States in the late 1980s. She studied Comparative and World literature as well as Post-Colonial Studies and Gender and Women’ Studies at the Illinois University in Champaign-Urbana, focusing on francophone and anglophone Arab women writings. Former French and Humanities Faculty at Parkland College in Champaign Urbana, she studied also for a post-master's degree at Illinois State University, receiving a Master's in arts, in languages, literatures and cultures from the latter institution. Since her youth, Zohra Belghiti has spent most of her time as a second-generation youth community and women activist.

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    Franca Mancinelli

    Franca Mancinelli was born in 1981 in Fano, Italy. Her books have won several prizes in Italy, where she is considered to be one of the most compelling new voices in Italian poetry. Much of her writing is already available in John Taylor’s translations: The Little Book of Passage (The Bitter Oleander Press, 2018) and At an Hour’s Sleep from Here (The Bitter Oleander Press, 2019). Other poems and prose texts have been published, in Taylor’s translations, in Trafika Europe, Journal of Italian Translation, Strands, AzonaL, Osiris, The Blue Nib, Bengaluru Review, January Review, and The Fortnightly Review. Her latest book of poems, Tutti gli occhi che ho aperto (All the Eyes that I have Opened), has just been published in Italy by Marcos y Marcos.

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    Anna Terék

    Anna Terék (1984) was born in Bačka Topola, Vojvodina, (former) Yugoslavia. Graduated in Psychology (MA) at the University Eötvös Loránd in Budapest, Hungary, in 2012. She works as a school psychologist in Budapest, from 2015. Her first book of poems Tear of the smile (Mosolyszakadás) was published in Vojvodina in 2007, and after that in 2011 was published her second book of poems Danube street (Duna utca) for what she got Sinkó Ervin Prize. Her first drama Jelentkezzenek a legjobbak!/Neka se jave najbolji! was presented in 2012, in the Serbian National Theater. Her first book of dramas was published in 2016. Her third book of poems Dead women (Halott nők) was published in 2017. She got the Csáth Géza Prize, Sziveri János Prize with that book.

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    Agnes Marton

    Agnes Marton is a Hungarian-born poet, writer, librettist, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (UK), reviews editor at The Ofi Press and art curator at the One Hand Clapping Magazine. Recent publications include her collection Captain Fly’s Bucket List and four chapbooks with Moria Books (USA). She won the National Poetry Day Competition (UK), and an anthology she edited received the Saboteur Award. Her work is widely anthologized; some examples include Alice: Ekphrasis at the British Library and Anthem: A Tribute to Leonard Cohen. Her fiction was called “exceptional” at the prestigious Disquiet Literary Contest (USA). In the award-winning poetry exhibition project Guardian of the Edge, thirty-three accomplished visual artists responded to her poetry. She has been a resident poet at the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, on a research boat in the Arctic Circle, and also in Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Serbia, Portugal, Chile, Canada and the United States. She is based in Luxembourg.

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    Bettina Simon

    Bettina Simon was born in Miskolc, Hungary in 1990. Her first poetry anthology Beach (Strand) was published in 2018, and she has recently received a Móricz Zsigmond scholarship to prepare her second. Bettina is active in Budapest’s literary scene, featured regularly in Hungarian literary journals such as Prae, Alföld, Műút, Élet és Irodalom and Irodalmi Szemle, among others. She also practices as a visual artist.

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    Zita Izsó

    Zita Izsó was born in Budapest in 1986. Her first poetry collection, Tengerlakó (Sea Dweller), won the Gérecz Attila Prize for the Year’s Best Debut Novel in 2012. With her first drama, which she wrote with her sister, she won the Hungarian Radio Playwriting Contest. The Debrecen Színláz Company took her second drama entitled Függés (Dependence) to the stage in 2010. Her second poetry collection, Színről színre (Face to face), was published in 2014. Since 2015, she and the Hungarian photographer Máté Bach have run The Pest Woman blog. In 2017, they published a book of collected interviews from the blog under the same title. Zita’s poems have been translated into English, German, Arabic, Turkish, Czech, Polish, Serbian, Slovak, Romanian and Bulgarian. She published her third poetry collection in 2018 under the title Éjszakai földet érés (Nighttime Landing). She is one of the editors of the FISZ-Kalligram Horizons World Literature Series, the 1749.hu – World Literature Magazine, the Pannon Tükör literature review and the Üveghegy Children’s Literature website. She translates English, German, French, and Spanish writers, including the Argentinian poet Alejandra Pizarnik and the Mexican poet Rosario Castellanos.

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    Kornélia Deres

    Kornélia Deres (1987) is a Hungarian poet, writer, theatre and performance studies scholar. She is a lecturer at ELTE University Budapest, and in 2020 a Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Cologne. She spent three years as assistant professor at Károli University between 2015-18. Her first poetry volume, Szőrapa [Terrycloth Father] was published by JAK, association for emerging Hungarian writers. It was awarded with the best poetry debut prize in 2012. Her second poetry volume, Bábhasadás [Crack of the Puppet] was published in 2017 by Jelenkor Publishing House. Besides this, she is author of one monograph on theatre and intermediality (2016), and one children’s book (2018). Her third poetry volume, Box is forthcoming in 2022. She is also working as editor at the cultural journal Kulter, literary journal Negyed [Quarter], and theatre book series SzínText. She is running the Amper Workshop for young poets, and Rakpart3 Workshop for young writers of theatre and literature.

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    Péter Závada

    Péter Závada is a Hungarian poet and playwright. He was born in Budapest in 1982. He studied English and Italian at ELTE University, as well as Theatre Studies at the Károli Gáspár Protestant University. He is currently a Phd student in ELTE's Esthetics Doctoral Programme. At an early age, Závada was part of the highly successful rap and slam poetry group Akkezdet Phiai before turning his primary focus to poetry and theatre. His first collection of poems, Ahol Megszakad, was published by Libri in 2012. His second, Mész, followed in 2015, and his third, Roncs Szélárnyékban, in 2017 – for which he won the Horváth Péter Literary Scholarship. In the summer of 2018, he was a Poet in Residence at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin. In May 2019 he was invited to perform at the Poetry International Festival in Rotterdam. In january 2020 he participated in a month long fellowship at Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. In september he joined the European Poetry Festival in London online, organized by Steven J. Fowler.

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    Liza László

    Liza László was born in 1997 in Budapest, Hungary. She studied Hungarian Literature at the University of Szeged. She has been publishing poems and short stories since 2015. She loves art, literature and languages.

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    Steven J. Fowler

    SJ Fowler is a poet, artist, curator & vanguardist. He works in the modernist and avant garde traditions, across poetry, fiction, sonic art, visual art, installation and performance. He has published seven collections of poetry and been commissioned by Tate Britain, the British Council, Tate Modern, Highlight Arts, Mercy, Penned in the Margins and the London Sinfonietta. He has been translated into 13 languages and performed at venues across the world, from Mexico city to Erbil, Iraq. He is the poetry editor of 3am magazine and is the curator of the Enemies project. His work has become known internationally for exploring the potentials of innovative poetry, as well as performance, collaboration, asemic, concrete and visual poetry. http://www.stevenjfowler.com

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    Zvonko Taneski

    Zvonko Taneski (1980, Skopje) is a Macedonian and Slovak poet, literary critic, university professor in Slovakia and translator. Studies of General and Comparative literature was graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Sv. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. In 2007 he defended his PhD. thesis from “Theory and history of Slovak literature” University in Bratislava. He worked as an independent researcher at the Institute of World Literature in Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (2007–2008). In year 2011 the Commission for assessing scientific qualification of Slovak Academy of Science acknowledged his scientific qualification level IIa (senior researcher) in year 2011 and in the same year he received a habilitation at the Faculty of Foreign Languages FON University in Skopje, where he worked from 2011 to 2014. He worked at the Research Institute on Cultural Heritage of Constantine and Methodius in Faculty of Arts at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra from 2007 to 2011 year and at the same workplace acts as assistant professor (2014–2015). From September 2015 he works as an associate professor on Department of Slavic Philology in Faculty of Arts at Comenius University in Bratislava. Research activities: Comparative Slavonic studies and Balkan Linguistic and Literary studies.

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    Anita Pajević

    Anita Pajević (1989) is a poet from Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She holds an MA in Croatian Language and Literature from the University of Mostar. Her debut collection „Perlinov šum“ (“Perlin Noise”) has won prizes and was met with critical acclaim. Parts of „Perlin Noise“ have appeared in several literary journals in the former Yugoslavia, and Asymptote blog ran early versions of some of the poems from the collection in English translation. Her second book of poetry “Redukcije“ („Reduction“) was published in 2020. Her poems were published in magazines, anthologies and internet portals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, USA, Ireland, Greece, France and Romania. She is the editor of Facebook fanzine page „Poeziju na štrikove“ dedicated to the promotion of poetry from Slavic language circle and beyond.

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    Mark Caltonhill

    Mark Caltonhill is a British writer, translator and performer based in Taiwan. He studied Chinese at the University of Edinburgh. A former newspaper staffer, Caltonhill now writes features, columns and leaders for various English-language newspapers and magazines, translates for museums and academics, and performs stand-up, comedy songs and spoken-word poetry in both English and Chinese.

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    Zuher Karim

    Zuher Karim is an Iraqi poet, novelist and critic, born in Baghdad in 1965. He lives currently in Brussels. He has published four novels, three short stories collections, a book of travels, and numerous articles in Arab and Iraqi literary newspapers and magazines. His first novel, ‘Heart of Stork’ appeared in 2011. Three years later he published his second novel ‘Hunter of Corps’, then his stories collection entitled ‘A Large Machine Runs Over Pedestrians’ comes in 2017, the other stories collection are; ‘The Sad Musicians’, in 2018, and ‘Romantica’ in 2019. In 2020 he published his third novel ‘The Northeastern Clouds’, ‘Songs of Sand and Mango’ as a travel book, and lately he published his fourth novel: ‘The Saffron Threads’.

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    George Szirtes

    George Szirtes is a Hungarian-born poet and translator. He won the T S Eliot Prize for Reel in 2004 and his two subsequent books were also shortlisted for the same prize. In 2012 he won the Best Translated Book Award in the US for his translation of 2015 Man Booker International winner, László Krasznahorkai’s Satantango. His last children’s book In the Land of Giants won the 2012 CLPE award for best book of verse for children. His current projects include an opera with the composer Richard Causton and a book of short texts, Notes on the Inner City to appear later this year.

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    John Taylor

    John Taylor is an American writer and translator who lives in France. He has translated several French, Italian, and Greek poets, including most recently two books by Philippe Jaccottet: Patches of Sunlight, Or of Shadow (Seagull Books) and Ponge, Pastures, Prairies (Black Square Editions). His recent collections of poetry include the Dark Brightness (Xenos Books), Grassy Stairways (The MadHat Press), Remembrance of Water & Twenty-Five Trees (Bitter Oleander Press), and a “double book” co-authored with the Swiss poet Pierre Chappuis, A Notebook of Clouds & A Notebook of Ridges (The Fortnightly Review Press). His first two books, The Presence of Things Past (1992) and Mysteries of the Body and the Mind (1998), were republished in 2020 by Red Hen Press.

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    Rosa Jamali

    Rosa Jamali studied drama at the Tehran University of Art; later she received an MA degree in English literature from the University of Tehran. Her debut collection of poems This Dead Body is Not an Apple, It Is Either a Cucumber or a Pear was published in 1997 and announced a major new voice in Iranian poetry. In the same year her second collection of poems Making a Face was published and well-received by critics. This collection, with its stream-of-consciousness narrative poems, merged different types of discourses and registers – sometimes archaic, sometimes colloquial, written, formal, informal, journalistic, scientific. Jamali adapted a kind of music from classical Persian poetry and imbued it with the natural cadences of speech, juxtaposing long and short sentences, infusing the whole with her bitter and distinctive sense of humour. Her third collection Making Coffee to Run a Crime Story was partly inspired by Sadegh Hedayat’s Blind Owl.

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    Ziba Karbassi

    Ziba Karbassi was born in Tabriz, north western Iran. She has been writing poems from an early age. Her first book in Farsi was published in her early twenties. Since then she has published more than ten books, both in her mother tongue and internationally, and she is widely regarded as the leading Iranian poet of her generation. She has read poetry across Europe and America. She was chairperson of the Iranian Writers Association (in exile) from 2002 to 2004 and editor of Asar and Exiled Ink literature magazines in London. In 2009, she won the Golden Apple poetry prize in Azerbaijan. She was chair of Exiled Writers Ink in the United Kingdom between 2012 and 2014. Her poetry has been translated into more than ten languages. More than one hundred of the best critics and artists all over the world have written about her poetry. In 2012, she was chosen by Contemporary Poetics Research Centre, Birkbeck, University of London, as one of the fifteen revolutionary poets in the world. She has recently been chosen to be director of international relations for Pen International Iran in exile. She lives in the UK.

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    Šima Majić

    For her debut collection Potkožni sjever (“North Underskin”) Šima Majić (b. 1992) won the Zdravko Pucak prize for the best book by a young poet, as well as the Anka Topić prize awarded every six years for the best book by a female author in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her second book Melankolija igra badminton (“Melancholia Plays Badminton”) appeared in 2018 to critical acclaim.

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    Reem Ghanayem

    Reem Ghanayem (born in 1982) is a Palestinian poet, translator, and researcher in the fields of Arabic and English literature. Her dissertation concentrated on the theater of the absurd and its different methods of representation. She has published two collections of original poetry: Mag: A Life of Exiles and Prophecies: Self Portraits. Other publications include a translations of James Joyce’s poetry; Charles Bukowski’s novel, Post Office, and his short story collection, The Most Beautiful Woman in Town; an anthology of African American poetry; Richard Wright’s book of haiku, This Other World; and Naked Lunch, a novel by William Burroughs. Reem is the Arabic section editor at The Short Story Project. Reem has taught English and Arabic literature (2007–2018), worked as a research assistant (2004–2012) at Al-Qasemi Academy, Tel Aviv University, lectured at al-Qasemi Academy (2019) and Givat Havivah College (2004–2005).

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    Alla Gorbunova

    Alla Gorbunova was born in 1985 in Leningrad (Russia). Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. Author of five books of poems published in Russia, and one published in Italy, and of two books of prose published in Russia and two books of prose published in Bulgaria and Italy. Laureate of the “Debut” prize in the nomination “Poetry” (2005), laureate of the Andrey Bely Prize in the nomination “Poetry” (2019), short list of the Andrey Bely Prize in the nomination “prose” (2018), short list of the Moscow Observer prize (2016, 2017), short list of the “Difference” prize (2017); in 2017 the book “La Rosa Dell’Angola” was nominated for the XXIX Premio Letterario Camaiore Award in Italy; short list of the “NOS” prize (2018, 2020). Poems and prose were translated into many languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Serbian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lettish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Slovenian, Greek and Chinese). Participated in Russian and international festivals of poetry and prose (Paris Book Salon, “Blood of Poet” Festival in Latvia, “Kievskie Lavry” in the Ukraine, “Rinokuu” in Finland, “Kikinda Short Story Festival” in Serbia, “LitVest Festival” in Romania, participated in poetry readings in New York and Chicago). Lives in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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    Tom Van de Voorde

    Auteur à ce jour de quatre recueils (Vliesgevels, 2008 ; Liefde en aarde, 2013 ; Zwembad de verbeelding, 2017 ; Jouw zwaartekracht mijn veer, 2020), Tom Van de Voorde (https://www.poetryinternational.org/pi/poet/28251/Tom-Van-de-Voorde/en/tile) passe une grande partie de son temps entre Gand et Bruxelles, entre poésie et arts plastiques. Il a, au tournant du millénaire, publié une série de plaquettes de différents auteurs flamands et néerlandais. Ces dernières années, il a traduit de l’anglais certains de ses confrères américains (Wallace Stevens, Michael Palmer, Ariana Reines…) ou encore slovènes (Katja Perat, Tomaž Šalamun…) avec sa compagne Staša Pavlović. Parallèlement, sa propre poésie est traduite en de nombreuses langues, par exemple en français dans les revues Deshima (http://pus.unistra.fr/fr/livre/?GCOI=28682100932340), Le Cahier du refuge (http://cipmarseille.fr/cahierdurefuge/266/mobile/), Traversées (https://revue-traversees.com/2019/03/13/traversees-n90/) ou encore en ligne (https://www.lyrikline.org/en/poems/mijn-postbode-vraagt-me-wat-14858?showmodal=fr#).

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    Mattia Caponi

    Mattia Caponi (b. 1993) has a B.A. in Humanities from the University of Urbino and a M.A. in Modern Philology from the University of Rome (“La Sapienza”). His first book, Giorgio Caproni tra ragione e Conte di Kevenhüller (Giuliano Ladolfi editore, 2017), won the “Atelier, vent”anni di poesia” Prize for criticism. He regularly contributes to literary reviews such as Avanguardia, Kepos, and Polisemie.

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    John Glenday

    John Glenday lives on the east coast of Scotland near Dundee. His most recent collection, ’The Golden Mean’ (Picador 2015) won the Roehampton Poetry Prize. His Selected Poems were published by Picador in 2020 and in the same year a pamphlet of poems ’The Firth’ from Mariscat Press.

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    Tamara Andrés

    Tamara Andrés (née à Combarro en Espagne en 1992) a une licence de Traduction et interprétation et un master de Littérature comparée. Elle est enseignante et traductrice et réalise une thèse l’Université de Vigo sur la relation entre traduction et poésie écrite par des femmes en Galice. Elle participe à des projets scéniques et audiovisuels, elle anime des ateliers poétiques et coordonne des évènements littéraires. En 2015, elle a publié Amentalista, un hommage à René Magritte, et cette même année a gagné le Concours de Poésie « O Facho » avec le recueil Nenæspiraes. Elle a ensuite publié les recueils de poésie Corpo de Antiochia (Galaxia, 2017), traduit en espagnol, irmá paxaro (Cuarto de Inverno, 2019), bosque vermello (Positivas, 2019) ou le poème illustré Distancias (Galaxia, 2020), avec Marcos Viso. Nombre de ses textes furent récompensés dans divers concours et publiés dans des ouvrages collectifs, comme dans les revues Dorna et sèrieAlfa ou dans les anthologies No seu despregar (2015, Apiario) ou Anthology of Young Galician Poets (2019, Vakxikon).

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    Bejan Matur

    Bejan Matur is a Turkish poet, author, and columnist. Her first book, Rüzgar Dolu Konaklar (Winds Howl Through the Mansions), won several literary prizes and was followed by two more books in 2002: Ayın Büyüttüğü Oğullar (The Sons Reared by the Moon) and Onun Çölünde (In His Desert). Her poetry has been translated into 24 languages. In 2011, Matur wrote a long poem called “İnfinity Watchman” for Reflection on Islamic Art, which was published by Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation. Since 2005, Matur has worked as a journalist, regularly publishing articles and op-ed pieces about Kurdish politics, Armenian news and culture, prison literature and women’s issues. Matur is a former director of DKSV (Diyarbakır Cultural Art Foundation) and has worked with displaced children and women.

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    Orsolya Fenyvesi

    Orsolya Fenyvesi (1986) is a Hungarian poet and translator living in Budapest. Her own poetry collections include The Animals in the Mirrors(2013) and Siege (2015), and a book of experimental poetry and essays, The spectacle / Commentaries is about to be published. Her recent translation is Anne Carson's Autobiography of Red (2017, Magvető, Budapest). Her poems have been translated into English, German, Serbian, Romanian and Turkish.

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    Mark Blaisse

    Mark Blaisse is historian, writer and journalist. Since his first book, Anwar Sadat: The last Hundred Days (1981), he have shown a keen interest in the Arab world, its culture, politics, people and religion(s). He have covered the Iran-Irak war for Dutch television, as well as the civil war in Lebanon (Israeli invasion/Sabra-Shatila massacre in 1982) and spent lots of time researching for his book on terrorism, in Damascus, Beirut and the Beka’a valley. In 2019 He published the first comprehensive book in Dutch on Saudi-Arabia, focusing on the period after the arrival of king Salman (2015) and his son MbS. He spent many weeks in the kingdom to unravel a few of the secrets of this closed society. He works and lives in Amsterdam. He have two sons and two grandchildren.

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    Elka Stoyanova

    Elka Stoyanova was born on October 1, 1975 in Burgas, Bulgaria. Master of Laws by education and profession, but this does not in the least hinder her literary bias. An avid reader, poet and writer. In December 2009, her debut book of poems "And I Scream" was published. This is followed by the poetic book Anamnesis morbi (2014), the collection of short stories Friday Stories (2014) and the poetic book Long before Pablo find me (2019) He publishes in periodicals, almanacs, literary magazines. of literary competitions for poetry and prose. In 2011 she won a short story competition, in 2012 he received a prize from the National poetry competition. In 2014, her collection of poems "Anamnesis morbi" won the National poetic award named after great Bulgarian poet Hristo Fotev. She has been a member of the jury of the Petya Dubarova National Competition for youth several times. She is called the "master of the short story", and her sense of humor and self-irony has won thousands of followers. And if in her prose she shows a cheerful and smiling look at the world around her, the poetry of Elka Stoyanova is revealing, characterized by incredibly rich metaphor, depth of emotions and strong frankness. Member of the Bulgarian Writer Society.

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    Timur Bék

    Timur Bék is a Hungarian poet, born in the winter of 1997. He lives in Szeged, Hungary, studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. His first volume of poems, Aszterión (2019), recieved the PEN Club’s Khelidón Award, the Gérecz Attila Award and the Debut Award of the Hungarian Writers’ Union. His poems have been translated into English and Portuguese.

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    JL Williams

    Books by JL Williams include Condition of Fire (Shearsman, 2011), Locust and Marlin (Shearsman, 2014), Our Real Red Selves (Vagabond Poets, 2015), House of the Tragic Poet (If A Leaf Falls Press, 2016) and After Economy (Shearsman, 2017). She is interested in expanding dialogues through writing across languages, perspectives and cultures and in multimodal and cross-form work, visual art, dance, opera and theatre. www.jlwilliamspoetry.co.uk

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    Wisam Gibran

    Wisam Gibran is considered one of the finest Palestinian composers of his generation and one of the world’s leading oud players” Gibran studied music composition in Moscow, Berlin, and other major cities under world-renowned composers and holds a doctoral degree. He also studied neuroscience at the Universities of Berlin and Haifa. He has composed hundreds of pieces for solo instruments, arrangements for voice and instrument, orchestral pieces, and scores for selected films and plays. In his ongoing project to compose music, he has not overlooked the oud, and has re-examined the heritage and musical language of that instrument through modern treatments. Gibran has played on the main stages of most of the capitals and major cities of the world. He has received more than 40 international awards and creative scholarships in music, scientific research, and poetry. He has published a number of books, studies, poetry and music CDs. In 2013, Gibran founded the Gibran Academy of Music and Arts in Nazareth, which he currently directs.

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    Anna Branczeiz

    Anna Branczeiz is a Hungarian PhD student in literary and cultural studies at the University of Pécs. She is highly interested in Hungarian and American lyric poetry of the 20th-21st centuries, and has published several reviews and essays in respected Hungarian journals. Also, she has translated the poems of Louise Glück and John Berryman into Hungarian. Currently, she is writing her dissertation on the poetry of John Berryman from a historical, theoretical and comparative perspective.

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    Veroniki Dalakoura

    Veroniki Dalakoura’s writing shows the influence of surrealism and her books often combine verse poems, prose poems, hybrid forms, and longer narratives in provocative ways. Her most recent collections are 26 Poiimata (26 Poems, 2004), Karnavalistis (Carny, 2011) and Kappadokes (Cappadocians, 2020). John Taylor's essay about Dalakoura, “Eros and Other Spiritual Adventures,” is included in his book Into the Heart of European Poetry (Transaction Publishers, 2008). Dalakoura is one of the outstanding Greek poets of her generation. She lives in Athens.

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    Clara Burghelea

    Clara Burghelea is a Romanian-born poet with an MFA in Poetry from Adelphi University. Recipient of the Robert Muroff Poetry Award, her poems and translations appeared in Ambit, HeadStuff, Waxwing, The Cortland Review and elsewhere. Her collection The Flavor of The Other was published in 2020 with Dos Madres Press. She is the Translation/International Poetry Editor of The Blue Nib.

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    Adnan Adil

    Adnan Adil is born 1971 in Kirkuk, Iraq. Studied philosophy at Baghdad University – College of Arts – Faculty of Philosophy. Holds an MA in philosophy and arts from Brussels University 2014 – 2016, title of his dissertation is “Kirkuk Literary Group, Jalil Al Qaisy as a model.” Holds a diploma in translation (French - Arabic/ Arabic – French) from Mons University - Belgium (2018 – 2019) Writes poetry and novel and lives in Brussels. He published “One Square Meter” Poetry, 2000 published in Iraq with a pseudonym on the author’s own expenses. “A Body fertilized with anticipation, frogs anthem.” Poetry, Bidayat Publishing House, Damascus, 2009. “The Itch” A novel, Sutur Publishing House 2016. “The Greator of Soap Bubbles” Poetry, Al Daraweesh Publishing House, Bulgaria – Plovdiv 2019. “Amargi in the season of rain plucking” A poetic Text, Al Daraweesh Publishing House, Bulgaria – Plovdiv 2020. “Green Thirst” Poetry, Al Daraweesh Publishing House, Germany 2021.

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    Valerio Grutt

    Valerio Grutt was born in Naples (Italy) in 1983. He released the books "Una città chiamata le sei di mattina" (Edizioni della Meridiana, 2009), "Qualcuno dica buonanotte" (Alla chiara fonte editore, 2013), the plaquette "Andiamo" (Pulcinoelefante, 2013), "Però qualcosa chiama - Poema del Cristo velato" (Alos Edizioni, 2014) and "Dammi tue notizie e un bacio a tutti" (Interno Poesia, 2018). Some of his poems are present in the volumes "Subway - Poeti italiani underground" (Ed. Il saggiatore 2006), "Centrale di Transito" (Perrone Editore 2016) and "Fuoco. Terra. Aria. Acqua." (Terra d'Ulivi, 2017). He creates performances, workshop and therapeutic experiences. Collaborate with Interno Poesia, blog and publishing company. www.valeriogrutt.it

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    Alek Popov

    Alek Popov est l’un des écrivains bulgares les plus lus et publiés à l’étranger. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs romans : Mission Londres, La Boîte noire, Les Sœurs Palaveev dans l’orage de l’histoire, Les Sœurs Palaveev en route vers le nouveau monde ; du recueil d’essais Le Compagnon du Penseur radical, Mythologie de la Transition, Les mauvaises Herbes du Corps. Il est le co-auteur du scénario du film Mission London d’après son roman. Il a reçu un certain nombre de récompenses dont le Prix Helikon pour la nouvelle prose bulgare (2002, 2013), le Prix national théâtral Ivan Radoev, le Prix Elias Canetti, le Prix La Fleur Helikon Flower pour la meilleure vente en 2007 et en 2013, le British Pen Center Award pour la littérature en traduction, le Prix ProzaBalkan pour sa contribution à la littérature balkanique (2019). Alek Popov est membre correspondant du département des Arts de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences. Son cinquième roman en bulgare est annoncé pour le printemps 2021.

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    Volha Hapeyeva

    Volha Hapeyeva is an award-winning Belarusian poet who also writes prose, drama and occasional books for children, and who collaborates with electronic musicians and visual artists to create audio-visual performances. Her work has been translated into more than 10 languages with poems published in countries including the USA, Austria, Germany, Poland, Russia, Georgia, Lithuania, etc. So far she is the author of 12 books in Belarusian, including the most recent books of poetry “words that happened to me” (2020), “Black Poppies” (2019), “The Grammar of Snow”, and the novel “Camel-Travel” (2020). In English there appeared her poetry book “In My Garden of Mutants” (Arc Publication, 2021); in German – a poetry collection “Mutantengarten” (Edition Thanhäuser, 2020) and a novel “Camel-Travel” (Droschl Verlag, 2021). Volha also translates poetry from English, German, and Japanese. She holds a PhD in linguistics; her research is in the fields of comparative linguistics, philosophy of language, sociology of the body, and gender issues in culture and literature. She has participated in numerous literary festivals and conferences all over the world and has completed residencies in countries including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia. Member of the Belarusian PEN-Centre. www.hapeyeva.org

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    Khalid Mutlaq

    Khalid Mutlaq is a well-known Iraqi author and poet, born in 1963 in Baghdad, and currently living in the UAE. Many of his books about art and feminine world have been published in Arabic, such as: The Handbag – History of Seduction, Cracks of Female Beauty – Woman in the city, art and architecture, and his latest book Kawoosh City. He worked for several newspapers and magazines as a senior editor of the culture section of Al-Jumhuriya newspaper, and many years before he was director of the editorial board of Asfar, a quarterly literary magazine in the eighties. Although he hasn’t published a poetry collection yet, many of his poems can be read in magazines, journals, and media platforms.

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    Lіudmyla Diadchenko

    Lіudmyla Diadchenko born 1988 in Ukraine, she is vice President of Ukrainian Writers Association, Ukrainian literary rating "The Book of the Year" expert, member of World Nations writers' Union (Kazakhstan), Doctor of philosophy (Theory of literature). Scientific interests: mythopoetic, hermeneutics, spatial studios. The author of poetry collections: Fee for Access (2011), The Hen for Turkish Man (2017). Sources of published poems: Porter Gulch Review (USA, 2020), Gargoyle magazine (USA, 2021), Cardenal (Mexico, 2020), Atunis Galaxy Poetry (Belgium, 2020), Dendro Editorial (Peru, 2020), Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (China, 2020), “Armagan” (Bosnia, 2020), “Shahitto” (India, 2019), Knjizevno pero (Crotia, 2019), “Artkaspi” (Azerbaijan, 2018), «Publishers Weekly» (United Arab Emirates, 2018) others. Took place in The 30th Medellin International poetry festival (Colombia, 2020), Chair Poetry Evenings (India, 2020), International Kahramanmarash poetry and literature days (Turkey, 2020), The 6th International poetry festival in Sidi bou Said (Tunisia, 2019), International Fikret Demirağ Poetry Festival (Nicosia-Cyprus, 2019), International Istanbul Poetry and Literature Festival (2017, 2019), The18th International Sapanca Poetry Evenings (Turkey, 2018). Some poems translated into English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Georgian, Croatian, Bosnian, Russian, Azerbaijani and Turkish languages. Living and working in Kyiv.

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    Maria Malinovskaya

    Maria Malinovskaya is a Belarusian-born poet who writes in Russian. She is PhD-student in Contemporary Poetry Studies at The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and an author of two books. The first one, a documentary poetry project and collection Kaimaniya (2020), is based on authentic speech of people suffering from mental disorders. The second one, The Movement of Hidden Colonies (2020), includes both language and documentary poems. Malinovskaya’s poetry has been published in numerous anthologies and magazines and translated into English, Spanish, Italian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish. She is a participant of the European Poetry Festival (UK, 2019), the Nordic Poetry Festival (Norway, 2019), the European Camarade (Lithuania, 2019). She lives in Moscow and Gomel.

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    Ivanka Mogilska

    Ivanka Mogilska was born in 1981. She has five published books: the short story collection "This land, that land" (Janet 45 Print and Publishing, 2017); novels "Hideaways" and "Sudden Streets" (Janet 45 Print and Publishing, 2007, 2013); and two poetry collections "Otherwise" and "DNA" (Janet 45 Print and Publishing, 2010, 2004), each one with a national award - for poetry debut and for poetry book of the year from young author. Some of her works are translated into English, French, Russian, Serbian, Hungarian, Farsy and Bangla. She lives in Sofia, works as a copywriter freelancer and takes part as a writer and performer in art actions and performances of Bulgarian digital artists and musicians. Mogilska loves to travel, to read, to collect stories and to do what she loves.

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    Vladislav Petrenko

    Poet. Author of the poetry collections «The Risk to Be» (2013) «Island» ( 2015) «Rivers and squars» (2020). Fellow of Kharkov fund for gifted youth winner of the A.Maselski Prize (2012). One of the organizers of the literary –musical project «Islands» ( 2014) and live theater «Narodzhennya» (2015). 3d Award of the Smoloskyp literary contest (2015). Laureate of the Kvitka – Osnovyanenko prize ( 2015). A4 Essay Contest 3 Prize (2019). Art-book «A few words about us.» Vlad Petrenko – Dmytro Mikhailov (2019). Рublished in poetic anthologies "Letters from Ukraine" (Wroclaw 2016), Ukrainian Hope (Szczecin 2017) Kontext (Kharkiw 2019) Salon Literacki (Warszawa 2019 ) Paradigma (2020 Moskow- Kiev) Colon (2019¬ Israel), Articulation ( 2019 Israel).

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    Ahmed Abdul Hussein

    Ahmed Abdul Hussein an Iraqi poet born in Baghdad in 1966. He joined the Academy of Fine Arts/ Plastic Arts Department. In 1990 he had to flee Saddam Hussein's oppressive regime. He worked as a cultural editor for multiple newspapers. He wrote two collections; Painful Beliefs, Part 1, published in Spain, and Baptize Me with Wine Waves. He lived for five years in Canada to return home later, after 16 year-exile. He published other collections; Paradise of Nothingness, Painful Beliefs, Part 2, Thirst Does Not End, Neither Does the Fountain, A Proof Concerning the Falsehood of the World and A Child Playing with Theology.

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    Dora Kaskali

    Dora Kaskali lives and works in Thessaloniki. She studied Greek literature at AUTh. and in her master's degree she dealt with the literary publication of the poems of George Theotokas. In 2010 the collection of short stories "Sto treno" was published by Gavriilidis publications (shortlisted for first-time author award of the magazine "Diavazo"). In 2011 her novel "Kato" was published by the same publications. In 2012, her novel "Five lives and a novel - Study of an appropriate writer" was released freely on the internet, in digital form, by the OpenBook.gr Open Library. This was followed by the books: "The little cat in the world" (children's literature, Dioptra 2014) and "Exchange of pleasures" (poetry, Sexpirikon 2014, Maria Polydouri award 2015). In 2015, her second collection of short stories was published by Okto publications "The black box of their memory".

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    D.A. Lori

    D.A.Lori (Dolores Atanasova-Lori) was born on 26th October 1974, in Germany. She spent her early childhood in Germany, and then moved to Ohrid, Macedonia, where she lived until she started her studies of English language and literature in Skopje in 1993. She has lived in Skopje since. Her first book “Awaking in third person singular”, was published by Blesok in 2014. Between 2013 and 2016, some of her poems were published in Bookbox, off.net.mk, in the book of selected poems “100 000 poets for change” and the e-book “Poetikson”, as well as on the site of Diversity and Slovokult. D.A.Lori’s second book, “Hand in hand with the wind”, was paublished in June, 2016, by Antolog. In 2019, her third book, “A sky in a cage“, came out. In 2019 she also received the “Todor Chalovski” Award and had her book “A wave will come” published by Galikul. Her poems have been translated into Srbian, German, Croatian, Italian and Spanish.

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    Alli Fitte

    Je suis née le 14 avril 1998 à Prades (France, 66) J'ai passé un bac littéraire option histoire de l'art et grec ancien, puis je suis partie à Toulouse pour étudier la santé naturelle. Je n'ai donc pas continué mes études dans les lettres, mais je n'ai jamais cessé d'écrire. J'ai débuté l'écriture à l'âge de douze ans. J'ai commencé par écrire des histoires, afin de libérer mes émotions suite à un traumatisme (harcelée par un pédocriminel et rejetée par ma famille qui me jugeait responsable). La poésie est arrivée comme une évidence quelques années après et m'a permis d'exprimer mes sentiments de manière plus profonde et plus subtile. J'ai très longtemps gardé mes poèmes pour moi, je n'ai jamais pris ma plume dans le but de publier. C'est ma rencontre avec le poète et slameur engagé Kalune qui m'a donné confiance en moi et m'a décidée à partager mes écrits. Pour moi, la poésie a trois fonctions : -Exprimer mes propres émotions et raconter mon histoire, ou l'histoire d'autres êtres vivants -Dénoncer le système bancal dans lequel nous vivons et proposer des alternatives -Inventer des univers parallèles féériques, dessiner des utopies, pour m'évader Grande rêveuse, sauvage et romantique, mes sources d'inspiration sont l'Amour, les animaux, la nature, les éléments et les mondes fantastiques. Mélancolique et déçue par l'humain, j'écris également sur ce qui me déplaît dans la société moderne : le capitalisme, la destruction des forêts, l'exploitation des animaux, le sexisme, le racisme..

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    Kostas Kremmydas

    Kostas Kremmydas was born in Kolonos (Athens). He studied Political Science and Public Administration at Panteion University, Pedagogy at the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (former SELETE), Law at the University of Athens and Social History at the Sorbonne University. He holds a doctoral degree from the University of Patras. From 2000-2018 he participated in the Organizing Committee of the Poetry Symposium. Since 2016 he has been teaching creative writing at the Postgraduate Department of the Hellenic Open University. He has participated in several literary publications. Since 1993 he has been managing Mandragoras Magazine and the homonymous editions. He has published one volume with political chronographs entitled “corner of Xouthou & Menandrou, End of Ephoxi (2014) and the autobiographical novel Redwhite Madness, Red Tulips in Kolonos (2017). He has published seven poetry collections. His poems have been translated into Bulgarian by Christos Hartomatsidis.

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    Christos Giannakos

    Christos Giannakos (Χρήστος Γιαννακός) was born in 1966 in Athens, Greece. He studied Chemistry in Athens and Environmental Resources in Salford, Manchester, U.K.. His books of poetry Embarrassment Handbook (Εγχειρίδιο Αμηχανίας, 2004), Ready World (Έτοιμος Κόσμος, 2011) and Citizen Eros (Πολίτης Έρωτας, 2019) were published by MANDRAGORAS publications, Athens. As Fanis Katsirelos (Φάνης Κατσιρέλος, a pseudonym) he signed the book of proze Indecent’s (Ασέμνου, 2015) -also published by MANDRAGORAS. During the last twenty years he writes reviews, poems and prose for Athens and Nicosia based magazines and the Poetry Symposium of the University of Patras, Greece. He is an awarded script writer.

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    George Nikolopoulos

    George Nikolopoulos has published two poetry collections (Mandragoras publ.) and a children's novel in Greek, his poems and short stories have been published in scores of literary magazines, anthologies and websites, his poetry has been presented in many important literary events and conventions (like the Poetry Symposium at the University of Patras), and he has taken part in the selection committees of many literary competitions. For the past few years he has been a professional speculative fiction writer, and his short stories have been published in over 90 magazines and anthologies in the US and worldwide. He is a member of Codex Writers' Group and Science Fiction Writers of America.

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    Salma Harland

    Salma Harland is an Egyptian-born, UK-based literary translator and scholar who works between Arabic and English. She holds an MA in Literature and Philosophy from the University of Sussex, a PGCert in Translation and Interpreting from the American University in Cairo, and a BA in Translation from October 6 University. Her works have appeared in ArabLit Quarterly, Jadaliyya, Eurolitkrant, Turjoman, Romman Magazine, Egyptian Researchers, among others.Salma Harland is an Egyptian-born, UK-based literary translator and scholar who works between Arabic and English. She holds an MA in Literature and Philosophy from the University of Sussex, a PGCert in Translation and Interpreting from the American University in Cairo, and a BA in Translation from October 6 University. Her works have appeared in ArabLit Quarterly, Jadaliyya, Eurolitkrant, Turjoman, Romman Magazine, Egyptian Researchers, among others.

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    Annemarie Estor

    Annemarie Estor is known for the sensuousness and sensory intensity of her narrative poetry and her cross-genre poetics. She is the author of six books of poetry in Dutch and the recipient of several literary prizes, among which the Herman de Coninck Prize and the Jan Campert Prize. Her latest collection of poems, Nuptial Flight, was longlisted for the Grand Poetry Prize 2021.

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    Davorin Lenko

    Davorin Lenko is a Slovene writer, poet and playwright. He studied comparative literature at Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana where he graduated in 2012. He is the author of four books of prose. In 2014, he received the Kresnik Award for the best novel of the year for Telesa v temi (Bodies in the Dark) as well as the Critic’s Choice Award. The novel was also translated into German by the Slovene Writers’ Association. His 2016 collection of short stories Postopoma zapuščati Misantropolis (Gradually Leaving Misantropolis) was nominated for the Novo Mesto Short award. In 2017 he published the novel Bela pritlikavka (White Dwarf) and in 2019, the monodrama Psiho (Psycho), for which Lenko wrote the script, was staged in Ljubljana. In 2020 he published his fourth book, Psihoporn (Psychoporn), a collection of short stories, written entirely in dialogues.

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    Lidija Dimkovska

    Lidija Dimkovska was born in 1971 in Skopje, Macedonia. She is a poet, novelist, essayist, and translator. She studied Comparative Literature at the University of Skopje and took a PhD in Romanian Literature at the University of Bucharest, Romania. She has worked as a lecturer of Macedonian language and literature at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, and as a lecturer of World Literature at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Since 2001 she has been living in Ljubljana, Slovenia, as a freelance writer and translator of Romanian and Slovenian literature into Macedonian. She has participated at numerous international literary festivals and was a writer-in-residence in Iowa, Berlin, Graz, Vienna, Salzburg, and London.In 2009, she received the Hubert Burda literary prize for young East European poets and, in 2012, she won the Tudor Arghezi international poetry prize in Romania. She is a member of the jury for the Vilenica international literary award in Slovenia, and the Zbigniew Herbert international award for poetry.

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    Aleš Mustar

    Ales Mustar was born in 1968 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is a poet and literary translator and a freelancer. He graduated from English language and literature at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and took his Ph.D. degree in Romanian literature at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters, Romania. In 2005 he has published a book of poetry C(o)urt Interpretations, which has been translated into English and Macedonian. In 2017 he published his second book of poetry Middle Age. His poems appeared in translation in many foreign languages and he is included in many anthologies. He is translating literature from Romanian and Macedonian, mostly contemporary poetry and fiction and so far has translated more than 25 volumes. He also writes texts for alternative theatre. He contributed texts theatre performances Sixteen Turns (En-Knap, 2005) and Feng Shot (Maska, 2011). He earns his living as a court interpreter.

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    Maria Borio

    Born in 1985, Maria Borio is a poet and literary critic. She holds a BA and a PhD in Italian literature. Her poems have been published in several journals and literary websites. A selection of her works entitled Vite Unite was included in XII Quaderno italiano di poesia contemporanea (2015). She published the collections L'altro limite (pordenonelegge-lietocolle, 2017), and Trasparenza (Interlinea, 2019) which is going to be published soon as Transparencies in the USA. She is the editor of the poetry section of the journal Nuovi Argomenti. She has written on the poetry of Vittorio Sereni and Eugenio Montale, and her most recent monograph is Poetiche e individui (Marsilio 2018).

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    Olga Bragina

    Olga Bragina is a poet, prose writer and translator. She was born in Kyiv in 1982. She graduated from the Translation Department of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Bragina is the author of three books: “Applications” (2011), “Namedropping” (2012), “Background Light” (2018). She was published in a variety of literary journals, namely «Vozdukh», «Interpoezia», «Polutona», «Novaya Yunost'», «Volga», «Zinziver», «Deti Ra», and others. She translated John High's book of poems «Vanishing Acts» into Russian, the book was published in Kyiv in 2018, and the book of poems by Katie Farris “Ice for You” (published in Kyiv in 2021).

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    Dmitry Blizniuk

    Dmitry Blizniuk is an author from Ukraine. His most recent poems have appeared in Poet Lore, The Pinch, Salamander, Willow Springs, Grub Street, Magma Poetry and many others. A Pushcart Prize nominee, he is also the author of "The Red Fоrest" (Fowlpox Press, 2018). He lives in Kharkov, Ukraine. Member of PEN America. Poets & Writers Directory: http://www.pw.org/directory/writers/dmitry_blizniuk

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    Vikas Prakash Joshi

    Vikas Prakash Joshi is a writer and seasoned communications professional, with about 7 years of professional experience. He holds an MA in Development Studies from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai and a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism, from the Asian College of Journalism Chennai, where he received the Madanjeet Singh Scholarship. He considers himself a storyteller to the core. His tryst with writing started from a very young age, when his articles came in the primary school newspaper, before he won writing competitions at city, state, national and finally international level. He wrote a column in a popular English city-based newspaper at 18 before going to on to write for leading names in Indian journalism including The Hindu Group of Newspapers in Bangalore, Daily News and Analysis, Caravan and The Wire. He has also been a speaker at the Book Bakers Online Literary Festival 2020. His articles have been translated into Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, German and Greek. He has also been an editor, a public speaker, a translator, and freelance journalist. He has reported from diverse parts of India, ranging from Gujarat to Odisha, and from Punjab to Karnataka. My Name is Cinnamon is his first book, which will be brought out by Hay House India, the subsidiary of the internationally recognised publishers Hay House, a part of the Penguin Random House Group. The book has been appreciated by people from 23 countries.

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    Natasha Sardzoska

    Natasha Sardzoska (Skopje, 1979), Macedonian poet, writer, essayist, literary translator, interpreter (FR, IT, ES, EN, PT, CA), anthropologist, has lived in many European cities, among which Milan, Lisbon, Paris, Brussels, Stuttgart. She holds a PhD in anthropology from the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and University of Bergamo. She is Affiliated researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies South East Europe in Rijeka in Croatia and Assistant professor at the Schiller International University in Heidelberg in Germany. She has published the poetry books Blue Room, Skin, He pulled me with invisible string, Living Water, Coccyx, numerous columns, essays, short novels and stories. She has published poetry books in the USA, Italy, Kosovo and her poems are translated in more than 15 languages in various international anthologies and literary reviews. She has translated more than 50 authors from Italian, French, Portuguese, Catalan and Spanish languages, among which: Pasolini, Saramago, Margarit.

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    Nina Kossman

    Nina Kossman, née à Moscou, est un écrivain bilingue anglais-russe, poète, peintre et dramaturge. Ses peintures ont été exposées à New York et à Philadelphie. Parmi ses travaux publiés figurent trois recueils de poèmes en russe et en anglais, deux volumes de traductions de poèmes de Marina Tsvetaïeva, deux recueils de nouvelles, une anthologie qu’elle a composée et fait paraître aux Presses universitaires d’Oxford (Oxford University Press) et un roman. Certains de ses textes ont été traduits en grec, japonais, hébreu, espagnol, persan et danois. Lauréate de nombreux prix, elle vit à New York.

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    Mahmoud Wehbe

    Mahmoud Wehbe, is a Lebanese poet and a contributor to the poetic scene in Beirut since summer 2014. Wehbe has participated in a number of poetic events in Lebanon and other Arab countries, in addition to poetry performances in the corners of bars and in the streets of Beirut. Wehbe’s poetry collection, A Boy Chasing a Galaxy was published by Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiyya in the summer of 2018, in addition to a second collection of poetry in print titled "It Was Not Love.. But a Joke". In collaboration with young poets Zenobia Zhahir and Bassel Al-Amin, Wehbe launched Neizak, an online publication dealing with the conditions of poetry and poets which serves as an electronic archive of contemporary Arab poetry, and has contributed to an art exhibit for several plastic artists in Beirut under the title "Sleeping with the Enemy" by curating relevant poetry selections and coordinating both the poetic and performing aspects of the exhibit. He currently assists in the publication of Voices, a poetry that aims to promote emerging Arab poetic voices.

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    Dominique De Groen

    Dominique De Groen est une poète. Son travail a été publié dans Deus Ex Machina, Kluger Hans, Gierik & Nieuw Vlaams Tijdschrift, entre autres. À l'équilibre, elle a publié sa première collection Shop Girl (2017) et Sticky Drama (2019). Elle publie de la poésie et des œuvres visuelles sur www.vulpix91.be. Sacrifice Lamb a été publié en 2020. Dominique De Groen est lauréate du Prix de poésie Frans Vogel 2019. ‘Shop Girl ‘est une épopée poétique qui greffe la tradition de Virgile sur la fin de l'ère capitaliste. le fagot a germé dans la cave de Primark, où Dominique De Groen a passé un hiver et un printemps travaillé. Les poèmes recherchent les failles du processus de production de la mode rapide, où les couleurs et les fantômes des ouvriers du textile prospèrent.

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    Diana Savateva

    Diana Savateva lives in Burgas, Bulgaria. She had worked as a journalist for over 25 years – for the local newspaper "Free Coast“ and for the national newspaper and website „24 Hours“. She was a member of the National Assembly of the Republic between April 2017 – December 2019. Currently Savateva is the deputy mayor of Burgas Municipality, Department „Culture, Tourism and Sport“. She is a member of Burgas Writers' Community. Savateva is the author of two poetry books – „Memory for Happiness“ and „The City – Love Map“. She`s preparing a new book with the working title "Walking with You".

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    Stefan Manasia

    Stefan Manasia is a poet and journalist, editor of Tribuna cultural magazine. He founded Thoreau’s Nephew Reading Club in Cluj in 2008, alongside Szántai János and François Bréda, which became the largest Romanian-Hungarian literary community in Transilvania. He published 6 volumes of poetry and had his poems translated in Hungarian, French, German, Polish and Modern Hebrew. He is also the author of a collection of essays and literary chronicles called The Aroma Stabilizer and a short story collection, The Chronovisor.

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    DESSY TSVETKOVA IS Bulgarian poet currently living in Brussels..

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    Dina Sadok-Bader

    Dina Sodok-Bader is a poet and artist, born in Baghdad, she is currently studying pharmacy.

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    Suha Kudsieh

    Suha Kudsieh is a Canadian-American poet of Middle Eastern background. She have taught writing and literature in Toronto, Canada, and New York City. Her poems appeared in Postcolonial Text and Harana Poetry. She is preparing a collection of poems that chart the rise and fall of the Arab Left in the Middle East, particularly after 2011.

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    Charline Lambert

    Charline Lambert was born in 1989 in Liège, Belgium. She is the author of four books of poetry: Chanvre et lierre (“Hemp and Ivy,” Éditions Le Taillis Pré, 2016), Sous dialyses (“Dialyzing,” Éditions L’Âge d’Homme, 2016), Désincarcération (“Decarceration,” Éditions L’Âge d’Homme, 2017), and Une salve (“A Salvo,” Éditions L’Âge d’Homme, 2020). She is currently finishing her Ph.D. thesis on the relation between poetry and deafness.

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    Petits pas

    Tu m'as dit ça, c'est rare... Comme c'est bizarre, il est arrivé par hasard ... On le trouve également dans le monde pendant le brouillard. L'amour est si rare comme trouver un diamant noir. *** Bonjour, mon amour, tu me conduis comme toujours J'ai souffert, j'ai commencé une course, Je tombe comme une miette dans du beurre. Je n'ai pas pu dormir pendant six jours, mais tu me conduis, mon amour, les moussons sont déjà en rupture, je te vois, mon amour... Je suis devenue un tournesol à mon tour, et je trouve le soleil toujours ... *** La vie a son propre point de vue... On peut essayer maintenant et toujours... On peut penser que la rose est éternelle, les oiseaux sont le poème de Dieu, l'abonnement pour l'amour est annuel... Mais la vie a son propre point de vue.. Toujours..

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    Ilinca Bernea

    A novelist and a poet, Ilinca Bernea has also written theatre plays and film scripts. She has a PhD in Philosophy and is a graduate of the Theatre and Film University in Bucharest.28 Oct 2021

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    Ivan Stankov

    Ivan Stankov, né en 1956, est écrivain, traducteur, historien littéraire et professeur de littérature bulgare à l'Université de Veliko Tarnovo en Bulgarie. Il traduit du roumain les œuvres de Mircea Cărtărescu, Dan Lungu et autres. Il est l'auteur d'études monographiques sur les œuvres d'Asen Raztsvetnikov, Yordan Yovkov, Dimitar Talev, Vasil Popov, Boris Hristov. Stankov a écrit sa propre trilogie de nouvelles, Mémoires d'eau, Rues et navires et Noms sous la neige. Le premier livre de Stankov, Mémoires de l’eau remporte la deuxième place au prix de prose 2014 du Portal Kultura. En 2017, il remporte le prix spécial de La Fondation Communitas pour son livre Rues et navires. En 2020, il gagne le prix Helikon pour son recueil de nouvelles Noms sous la neige.

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    Waddah Abu Jame’

    A Palestinian poet, born in Gaza. Today he is a refugee in Belgium. Poems from his first poetry collection: a world injected with Botox

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    Oriana Méndez

    Oriana Méndez (Galice, Espagne, 1984) est une poétesse de langue galicienne. Elle a publié les livres Derradeiras conversas co Capitán Kraft (2007), Cero (2011), O que precede a caída é branco (2015), O corazón pronúnciase extenso (2019), Interna (2020) et, fin 2023, a vu le jour chairas sucesións (plaines successions), auquel appartiennent les poèmes que nous présentons. Une partie de son œuvre a eté incluse dans des anthologies telles que Anthology of Galician Literature (1981-2011) ou Poesía bajo sospecha. Españolas nacidas entre 1976 y 1993. Méndez est traductrice littéraire entre les langues française, galicienne et espagnole et elle a traduit Marguerite Duras, Antonin Artaud et Arthur Rimbaud, ce dernier en collaboration avec la poétesse et traductrice Tamara Andrés.

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    Hasab al-Shaikh Ja'far

    He was born in the city of Amarah. He graduated from the Gorky Institute of Literature in Moscow in 1966 with a master's degree in arts. He served as the head of the Cultural Department at Radio Baghdad between 1970 and 1974, worked as an editor at Al-Thawra newspaper, and was a member of the Union of Iraqi Writers. He contributed to Iraqi journalism and attended literary and poetry conferences in Iraq, other Arab countries, and the Soviet Union. His poetry collections include “Nakhlat Allah” (God’s Palm), “Al-Ta’ir Al-Khashabi” (The Wooden Bird), “Ziyarat Al-Sayyida Al-Sumariyya” (Visit to the Sumerian Lady), “A’bar Al-Ha'it fi Al-Mar’a” (Through the Wall into the Woman), and “Fi Mithl Hannou Al-Zawba’a” (As Gentle as the Whirlwind). He also wrote autobiographical works and translated poetry from several Russian poets. In recognition of his poetic contributions, he received the Soviet Peace Prize in 1983 and the Sultan bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Award for Poetry in its eighth session (2002–2003).[3][4] He died in a hospital in Baghdad on April 11, 2022.

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    Kalin Mikhaylov

    Bulgarian poet

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    Dilyan Benev

    Dilyan Benev